Making myself a logo

Hello, Today I'm making myself a logo, I've been designing this a long time and finally got a design I'm satisfied with. It's probably true, what they said in class - you are your own worst costumer.
The first sketch I did with a a ballpoint pen the first lesson in Designtheory on monday... today I copied to a unlined paper and took a picture of it. After I got home I added some contrast and darkness in the picture in Photoshop. After this I used a vectorizing software and vectorized the logotype. After this I made an animation of it in Flash.


Working in flash..

Making my final thing in flash for this course. This being the intro to my flashhomepage.
The text is animated, and so are the dots.

More work in flash

Making a quiz...


Ja, då har jag suttit vid Photoshop igen, efter ett slag av inspiration från en kär vän.
Här är mitt bidrag till årets julkortssamling:

Jag vet att jul stavas utan H, men det blir lite roligare på detta viset. Lite som sagt.

Kom fram till att det ser ut som tandkrämsreklam. En av den sorten som Bergström skulle kalla känslobaserad, och även kanske en smula nostalgisk i dess eklektiska stil (målat, handskrivet och fotograferat 60-70-tals populärkultur)
Det enda som egentligen fattas är en tandkrämstub i valfri sort i högra hörnet.

Flash Gallery done

And this is a print screen of the result:

Working on a small flash-gallery

Designing a small gallery in flash. I chose some gray-scale pics for this gallery.

A night with eggs..

It's late, so late that it is early, and I'm doing som schoolwork.
Working on a flashbanner commercial for eggs.
As you can see, the spelling is in swedish.

Saker jag gjort.

Satin - klicka för att förstora.
Jobbar just nu med ett projekt - Interaktiv Memory. Försöker måla en bakgrund som passar. Detta är ett av mina experiment till det. Troligtvis kommer jag inte använda denna. Men det är alltid roligt att pilla lite i de nya programmen (PS CS5)

Filter FTW..? Satt och pillade lite med filter i PS.

Filter och lager FTW! Satt och pillade med olika filter i lager. Såg tomt ut i vänster hörn så jag frångick även den tradionella placeringen av signatur och lade denna i vänster kant istället.

A little something something..

Painted today:
This is something troll-like thingy. Maybe I was inspired by the movie I saw yesterday - Clash of the Titans.. or maybe a little inspired by an old program called simpor och grodfötter? The sword got screwed up, but with aquarelles there is no ctrl+z command.
This is a picture I made my friend. Going to see her tomorrow. Inspired by our cupcake-baking and a shirt from H&M with a tiger that wears glasses.
This was mostly some practice. I'm a bit rusty when it comes to painting, this because I'm so used to sitting by a computer creating things.

Productivity 2010 July 18th

Produktivitet 2010-07-18

Work done 2005-2008

Painting by vanellPainting by vanell

Some movies

Productions 2010:

3D animation fake commercial 
colour correction


After Effects training.

Pong Gone Bad - After Effects training

Productions 2009:
Snooze by Vanell
Jingel Högskolan Väst faux radio commercial for my University. by Vanell

Some pictures

Velvet by Vanell - Spring 2010 (Click it to make it bigger)
my new profile. Vanell - Spring 2010 (click it to get a closer look)
Vanell's art°
truck made in 3D modelling/animation program Maya 2010 - Vanell - Spring 2010 (click for a close up)
Copyright:Eva Halmemies
Grainsilo made in 3D modelling/animation program Maya 2010 - Vanell- Spring 2010 (click for a close up)
Min Logotyp. Copyrights belong to me. Working on my logo- and on animating it. Here I'm using flash.. once I update my homepage I will use it.
My attempt on making Avatars... Nawatars - Vanell - Spring 2010

Art, film and graphic design in media projects 15 University points

at University West, Trollhättan in the Summer of 2009

My project in the course. I tried to extend the concept of "picture" and art in this course. Since I've learned that we people get most of our impressions from our eyes - this is also the traditional way of the concept of art. I tried to extend that image by using my audience. Since we as individuals have different kinds of experiences, that makes our "inner picture" different from the next person I thought that this would be a great way of making it personal and somewhat interactive.
I decided to use smell and hearing as the senses to use. Since I did not want to scare a blindfolded person with my touch. Similar to the concept of happenings I included the audience in the art. By using the imagination of the user to create/complete the art form.
There's no dialogue in the production. This was a intentional choice I made to make the production internationally understandable.
Praticed some sketching last summer on my course

Hans and Gretel bookcover by Vanell - Summer 2009

The course also included classical bookbinding and design. Here's my tribute to the classic by Brothers Grimm.

Spring 2008 -
I graduated my upper secondary school studying

Esthetics Arts and Design (Sv:Estetisk bild och form) 3 years gymnasium

at: Platengymnasiet, Motala autumn 2005- spring 2008

and I fell in love with Photoshop.

Fake commercial for a fake travel agency - Bart Resebyrå

"Snow? Again?"

I made this in colour aswell , although I think it looks more dramatic in black and white since it gives it a bit of poetic, sad and serious look.   Vanell - Spring 2008

Fake commercial for a cellphone. Made spring 2008.
My fake commercial of a strawberryscented bodybutter. Later I added some text.
Vanell - spring 2008

Vimeo och

Skaffade ett vimeoaccount och här har jag den:

Här kommer mina videoklipp/filmproduktioner finnas tillgängliga.

Lite Photoshop idag

namn: Velvet (klicka för stor bild!)
finns som större bild här :

About me

Har en hemsida också.. dock har denna inte uppdaterats sedan våren 2009 så den är inte helt komplett om vi säger så.

Gamla verk

sommar 2009
våren 08
våren 08
Våren 08 våren 08sommar 2009

Lite från mitt galleri

denna bild kanske ni har sett? Jag använder den som min profilbild på Facebook och på DeviantART (
en bild photoshoppad till nawatarer. Min tolkning på Avatar.
I denna bild jag och Ylva Bergvik (
en seriestripsinspirerad teckning på hur mitt förhållande känns.
knarkpaddan.. målade denna en dag.
Lekte i Photoshop en dag. Blev grön.
Denna flamingo var ett samarbete mellan mig och Lina Eriksson ( )
Paint.. ja. Men roligt.
Bordsdekoration för julen 2009.
Hela rosa-vit-silvriga rummet. En modernare jul var temat.
Andra delen av lägenhet var mer klassisk.

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