Some pictures

Velvet by Vanell - Spring 2010 (Click it to make it bigger)
my new profile. Vanell - Spring 2010 (click it to get a closer look)
Vanell's art°
truck made in 3D modelling/animation program Maya 2010 - Vanell - Spring 2010 (click for a close up)
Copyright:Eva Halmemies
Grainsilo made in 3D modelling/animation program Maya 2010 - Vanell- Spring 2010 (click for a close up)
Min Logotyp. Copyrights belong to me. Working on my logo- and on animating it. Here I'm using flash.. once I update my homepage I will use it.
My attempt on making Avatars... Nawatars - Vanell - Spring 2010

Art, film and graphic design in media projects 15 University points

at University West, Trollhättan in the Summer of 2009

My project in the course. I tried to extend the concept of "picture" and art in this course. Since I've learned that we people get most of our impressions from our eyes - this is also the traditional way of the concept of art. I tried to extend that image by using my audience. Since we as individuals have different kinds of experiences, that makes our "inner picture" different from the next person I thought that this would be a great way of making it personal and somewhat interactive.
I decided to use smell and hearing as the senses to use. Since I did not want to scare a blindfolded person with my touch. Similar to the concept of happenings I included the audience in the art. By using the imagination of the user to create/complete the art form.
There's no dialogue in the production. This was a intentional choice I made to make the production internationally understandable.
Praticed some sketching last summer on my course

Hans and Gretel bookcover by Vanell - Summer 2009

The course also included classical bookbinding and design. Here's my tribute to the classic by Brothers Grimm.

Spring 2008 -
I graduated my upper secondary school studying

Esthetics Arts and Design (Sv:Estetisk bild och form) 3 years gymnasium

at: Platengymnasiet, Motala autumn 2005- spring 2008

and I fell in love with Photoshop.

Fake commercial for a fake travel agency - Bart Resebyrå

"Snow? Again?"

I made this in colour aswell , although I think it looks more dramatic in black and white since it gives it a bit of poetic, sad and serious look.   Vanell - Spring 2008

Fake commercial for a cellphone. Made spring 2008.
My fake commercial of a strawberryscented bodybutter. Later I added some text.
Vanell - spring 2008


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